Note: this event has passed

2nd Annual BigTen Cleveland Foodbank Volunteer Day

This year the Penn State Greater Cleveland Alumni Chapter is leading up a community service event at the Cleveland Foodbank. We organized this event last year. The event will take place on Saturday June 27th from 8AM-12PM. We will be sorting non perishables and making summer food packs for less fortunate kids who typically rely on school meals for daily balanced nutrition. This event has room for 20-25 people so signup today. Let’s have a great Illini showing!!

How to Sign Up:
Each volunteer will need to create a Volunteer Profile and RSVP to this event by registering at THE FOODBANK website with a unique Event Registration Code. Your code, along with detailed instructions, are included below. If you already have a profile then you just need to login.

Please follow these instructions to register for your event:

  1. Visit the Cleveland Foodbank CERVIS event registration page at
  2. Click on the “Register for an Event Or Manage Your Profile” Button.
  3. Follow the on screen instructions to access the CERVIS registration system. If this is your first time using the CERVIS online registration system, you will be prompted to create a Volunteer profile.
  4. Click on the “Register for an Event” Hyperlink.
  5. Select your name from the list and enter the code below into the “Event Registration Code” Box. Event Registration Code: GWUrs2

NOTE: If you have problems signing up please contact the foodbank for help. Our event will look like it is closed in the list but it will let you sign up after you put in the code.

Thanks for making a difference!