Note: this event has passed

I Love Illinois Week – Virtual

I Love Illinois Week is a week designed to celebrate Illinois’ campus, students, faculty, alumni, and donors. Various events are geared towards allowing Illini to showcase their appreciation for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Due to the current COVID-19 situation I Love Illinois Week has gone virtual. Alumni can participate online by sharing posts on social media using the hashtag #ILoveIllinois. Each day will focus on an Illini related theme to carry us through the week.

I Love Illinois Week is scheduled to take place virtually April 20-24. To follow along visit:

Monday – #whyillini

  • Giving students and alumni a chance to express why they love being an Illini.

Tuesday – #illiniworldwide

  • Honoring students and alumni studying and working internationally.

Wednesday – #illinispirit

  • Wear Orange Wednesday – Shows us your Illini Pride.

Thursday – #illiniheroes

  • Honoring members of the Illini family that are doing great things under the radar.

Friday – #illinipride

  • This is the day to recap your most memorable moments as an Illini.

For more info or to follow along throughout the week visit: