Virtual History Presentations

The History and Traditions Programs are proud to offer a virtual series of entertaining and educational talks about the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign's first 150 years.



Pairing vibrant storytelling with archival photographs, audio clips, and videos, these 30-to-60-minute presentations make the University’s history come to life!


Talks are available to alumni, campus, and community groups by appointment, on the following topics:

The Art, Architecture, and History of Altgeld Hall

The Art of Coach Bob Zuppke

Class Rivalries at the University of Illinois

Co-Education: The U of I’s First Women Students

Conservatism, Conformity, and the Cold War at the University of Illinois, 1946-1967

Early Student Life at the University of Illinois

Hangouts and Hijinks: How Illinois Students Let Off Steam

Holy Alliance: The Influence of Religion at the University of Illinois

Homecoming: An Illinois Tradition

Illinois Comes of Age: President Edmund James and the Building of a Great University

The Morrill Act of 1862 and the Founding of the University of Illinois

Music of Illinois

The Richmond Family Welcome Gallery at Alice Campbell Alumni Center

The University of Illinois and World War I

The University of Illinois and World War II


All talks will be presented via Zoom by Ryan A. Ross, Director of History and Traditions Programs. To schedule a virtual history talk, please email Ryan today!


Recent Feature

Illinois Alumni Magazine – Sesquicentennial Issue

In its Spring 2017 issue, Illinois Alumni magazine celebrated the University's 150th anniversary with a slate of articles about the campus'... Read More