Veterans' Memorial Project
Bayard Brown
Genoa, IL

World War I
Lt. Brown served with Company K, 26th Infantry, First Division. Lt. Brown was admitted to the Second Officers’ Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, Illinois, being assigned to the 17th Company. Upon receipt of his commission, he was ordered overseas, sailing on January 15, 1918. Arriving in France he was assigned for further military training to one of the A.E.F. infantry schools. Upon completion of the course he was attached to the 26th Infantry, with which regiment he went into the line on March 15, 1918. Twice wounded, Lt. Brown was awarded the Croix de Guerre for gallantry in action. He died October 7, 1918, from wounds received in action in Battle of Marne.
– taken from University of Illinois records and Web site above
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