Homecoming Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Requirements

  1. The logo should reflect your idea in a unique way. Avoid too much detail. The logo should work well in black and white (one-color printing).
  2. The logo should have appropriate University colors and contain the Block I, please refer to marketing.illinois.edu for correct logo usage.
  3. Make sure the logo is scalable. It should be artistically balanced.
  4. Please use one of the following file formats for your submission: ai, eps, pdf, svg, png, jpg

2023 HOMECOMING THEME : Sweet Home Illini

The winner will have a chance to participate in the Homecoming 5K Kickoff event, ride in the Homecoming parade, receive two complimentary tickets to the football game and copies of all the merchandise with the Homecoming logo.


Please submit your design by Friday May 12, 2023: go.illinois.edu/2023HCLogoDesign