I’s on the World: Hot Shots

Oh, the places we go … University of Illinois alumni are globetrotters who travel near and far, but never forget their Alma Mater!

Patrick Tyrrell gets to know local penguins on his trip to Antarctica. (Image by Catherine Tyrell)
Oh, the places we go … University of Illinois alumni are globetrotters who travel near and far, but never forget their Alma Mater!

Patrick Tyrrell, ’76 LAS, started off 2020 by venturing to Antarctica.  Of his photo sporting Orange and Blue on the bottom of the world, Tyrrell says that his “camera-shy wife” Catherine took it. “She’s a University of Alabama alumna. Other than football season, we get along pretty well.”

The couple viewed local penguins on sailing expeditions during their visit. For Tyrrell, the highlight of the trip, however, was visiting Ukraine’s Vernadsky Research Station and its watering hole. “[The bar] reminded me of the old Second Chance Bar in Campustown, where I had my first legal mixed drink,” he says. “[They] make their own vodka and sell it for $5 a shot. It goes down pretty hot. Money well spent.”

For more photos of alumni around the world, check out our Flickr album. Send pictures of yourself clad in orange and blue to IllinoisAlumni@uillinois.edu. You also can post to www.Facebook.com/IllinoisAlumni and twitter.com/uiaa using hashtag #IlliniWorldwide.