Alumni & Campus Stories

Keith McLeon and family jumping in front of orange and blue colored VW Beetle

Illlini Beetle

Anyone visiting Keith McLean’s Orland Park, Ill., home can easily see the depths of his University of Illinois devotion. His basement is an orange-and-blue shrine, and McLean, ’88 LAS, a

Silvia Ines Gonzalez seated next to an art piece

Educator, Artist, Activist

Your mind threatens to explode just listening to Silvia Ines Gonzalez, ’11 FAA, ’11 FAA. What exactly is she? An artist? Curator? Teacher? Community activist? Here she describes a think

The Student newspaper cover from 1871

Read All About It

The Daily Illini was founded in 1871 by the University’s first senior class, as an eight-page literary journal called The Student. Chock full of undergraduate essays on topics such as

Newspaper headline clippings

Famous Front Pages

The Big Game, 1924 There he was, front and center, above the fold: Harold “Red” Grange, ready to take on the Michigan football team. The occasion was the dedication of

Daily Illini Newspaper covers

Training Ground

  The Daily Illini was the first student newspaper to become a member of the Associated Press and, for much of the 20th century, was regarded as the best college