Alumni & Campus Stories

Snowball fight on the Quad

Memory Lane: Wintry Mix

“One must have a mind of winter,” the poet Wallace Stevens wrote, and at Illinois, that state of mind is unavoidable. Whether we’re plagued by ice-slicked walks or blessed with

portrait of Jochen Bojanowski

In Class: Conversationalist

I teach an Introduction to Ethics Course, PHIL 104. It’s an advanced composition course that fulfills a general education requirement. I get a lot of students who are not philosophy

Black and white image of McKinley Health Center taken in 1920s.

A Healing Presence

  Soon after McKinley Hospital opened at the University of Illinois, it was featured in the January 1926 issue of Illinois Alumni News, under a headline that might have appeared,

Doug Busch with his large format camera surrounded by trees

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Douglas (Doug) Busch, ’74 FFA, now 73, is still lithe in a tucked-in, black, long-sleeve shirt, blue jeans, red New Balances and stylish glasses with circular frames. His thick hair has